
Seed Saving and Permaculture

The catalog is on the way! After it's out I'm getting ready to teach a Seed Saving Workshop as part of the Permaculture In Action course series at SUNY Ulster. Seed saving and permaculture go hand in hand. The way I see it, the most sustainable annual vegetable garden is one where seed saving is planned into the design. On Friday night I will be covering the history of seed saving from the dawn of agriculture to the present. Saturday will be more hands on over at Epworth. We will learn how to plan for saving seeds, seed saving techniques for many vegetables, storage requirements, and start some seeds in soil blocks to take home. Here is the complete list of courses for the series. Hope to see you there.

Fri & Sat, Feb 1-2 • Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm PERMACULTURE: GLOBAL CHALLENGES, PERSONAL SOLUTIONS. Andrew Jones and Ethan Roland will focus on personal solutions of human health, organic & raw nutrition, and fermented foods. SUNY Ulster/ Camp Epworth. Register through SUNY Ulster Continuing Ed www.sunyulster.edu. 2 Sessions $129.

Fri & Sat, Feb 29 – Mar 1 • Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm SEED SAVING: RECLAIMING BIODIVERSITY
Learn the history, how-to, and why of saving seeds with Ken Greene of the Hudson Valley Seed Library. SUNY Ulster/ Camp Epworth. Register through SUNY Ulster Continuing Ed
www.sunyulster.edu. 2 Sessions $129.

Fri & Sat, Apr 4 -5 • Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm LIVING SOIL & NO-TILL GARDINEING Sarah Williford and Kevin Svorak of Regeneration CSA, soil microbiologist David Travis share the soil foodweb and home and market scale gardening techniques. SUNY Ulster/ Camp Epworth. Register through SUNY Ulster Continuing Ed www.sunyulster.edu. 2 Sessions $129.

Fri & Sat, May 9-10 • Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm FOREST GARDENING & AGROFORESTRY Learn how-to design, establish, and maintain productive forest gardens. Course presented by Ethan Roland and Steve Gabriel. SUNY Ulster/ Camp Epworth. Register through SUNY Ulster Continuing Ed www.sunyulster.edu. 2 Sessions $129.

Fri & Sat, May 30 - 31 • Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm NATURAL BUILDING & HOME DESIGN. Kay Cafasso
will survey natural building styles appropriate to the Hudson Valley, and practice easy-to-learn earthbuilding techniques. SUNY Ulster/ Camp Epworth. Register through SUNY Ulster Continuing Ed www.sunyulster.edu. 2 Sessions $129.

Fri & Sat, Jun 27-28 • Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 9 am - 4 pm LIBERATION ECOLOGY: SOCIAL & ECOLOGICAL HEALTH. Learn how to work towards ecological and social health at the same time
to help create sustainable, whole-system health. Presented by Rafter Sass. SUNY Ulster/ Camp Epworth. Register through SUNY Ulster Continuing Ed www.sunyulster.edu. 2 Sessions $129.

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